
Título de la actividad
Taller Nacional de Licencias de Importación
Tipo de actividad
This is a Level 2 specialized training activity implemented within the WTO Progressive Learning Strategy. The Workshop offers targeted training to government officials from various government agencies in Bahrain, who have direct responsibilities in preparing and analysing notifications under the WTO Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures or who are responsible for the implementation of the country's import control policies. One of the main incentives of the Workshop is to increase all participants' awareness of notification obligations of the Agreement, in particular of those from ministries not directly responsible for trade, so as to facilitate information collection within the country and improve Bahrain's notification compliance.

The objectives of the Workshop are: (1) to enhance the understanding of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures, and to clarifying the scope and coverage of import licensing and specific notification requirements in particular; to enable Bahrain officials to fulfil their notification obligations under the Agreement through hands-on practices and learning by doing; (3) to teach participants how to access import licensing data and documents on the WTO website. By the end of the training, participants are expected to be able to know how to prepare import licensing notifications and use the proper notification templates.

During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to learn good practices of other Members in preparing notifications through case studies. They will be requested to work in groups and prepare presentations on import licensing implementations in different ministries. In addition, they will learn how to draft WTO notifications under various provisions of the Agreement.
Bahrein, Reino de
Tema comercial
Licencias de importación
Fecha de inicio
Fecha final
Duración (Días)
participants should be officials directly responsible for import licensing notification or those involved in licence issuance in different ministries.
Público objetivo
Funcionarios públicos
Resultado fundamental
1. Los funcionarios públicos aplican los Acuerdos de la OMC, ejercen plenamente los derechos y cumplen todas las obligaciones de los Miembros
1.1: Los funcionarios públicos han aumentado sus conocimientos sobre los Acuerdos de la OMC, la formulación de políticas comerciales y la celebración de negociaciones comerciales
7. Seminarios y talleres nacionales, con inclusión de la asistencia para la evaluación de las necesidades y la vigilancia y evaluación
Bahrein, Reino de