
Sessions and Objectives

Introducción a la Organización Mundial del Comercio. Comercio y Cambio Climático en la OMC: puntos de contacto, roles institucionales y la búsqueda de apoyo mutuo.

Date: 29/05/2020 Duration: 3 (h)

Number of participants: Men(17) / Women(18)

Objective: Conocer las normas y funcionamiento del sistema jurídico de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC), y su vinculación con las medidas de respuesta al cambio climático.

Category: Improve knowledge of WTO Agreements or particular area of Agreements, of WTO negotiations, of WTO Committees or WTO subjects

  • Indicator: Participants opinion

    Evidence: 90% of participants (average score of 4.33) fully or substantially agreed that at the end of the activity they could identify the most relevant aspects of the role of the WTO on the intersection between Trade and Climate Change, while 86% (average score of 4) fully or substantially agreed that they could discuss the main elements of analysis between trade and climate change policies. No participant disagreed.

  • Indicator: Participation – frequency and quality of the interventions / questions raised, contribution to group work

    Evidence: Even though there was limited time to delve deep into this very complex topic, the methodology developed (with a number of interactive exercises) allowed for increased engagement by participants and honest debate, helping clarify misconceptions and impart the basic information needed. Participants clearly appreciated and evolved their arguments as the session moved forward.

Conclusion: This objective was fully met.

Results: Fully

Reglas de la OMC y políticas medioambientales: Exigencias ambientales, mecanismos de mercado y subvenciones.

Date: 05/06/2020 Duration: 3 (h)

Number of participants: Men(17) / Women(18)

Objective: Adquirir una comprensión más profunda de las posibilidades y limitantes que el sistema de la OMC presenta para la política climática a nivel nacional y global, y analizar medidas unilaterales para enfrentar el cambio climático, y evaluar su conformidad con las normas de la OMC.

Category: Improve analytical, communication or negotiating skills / Improve capability to assess the implications and deal with a given WTO subject

  • Indicator: Participants opinion

    Evidence: 90% of participants (average score of 4.05) fully or substantially agreed that at the end of the activity they could determine the main legal provision and exceptions at the WTO applicable to trade-related environmental policies.

  • Indicator: Participation – frequency and quality of the interventions / questions raised, contribution to group work

    Evidence: Even though there was limited time to delve deep into this very legally complex topic, the methodology developed (with a number of interactive exercises) allowed for increased engagement by participants and honest debate, helping clarify misconceptions and impart the basic information needed. Participants clearly appreciated and evolved their arguments as the session moved forward.

Conclusion: This objective was also fully met.

Results: Fully